Our services


„You can’t manage what you can’t measure.“ 

Prof. Peter Drucker, Economist

This principle of economics is directly transferable to analytical chemistry and the resulting recommendations for action.


Consumers and companies are increasingly interested in how much microplastic is contained in products and food. This is exactly where LHZ analytics comes into play.

Microplastics analysis

Standardized and validated analysis of drinking water, fresh water or seawater. Individualized cutting-edge analysis of complex samples.

LHZ analytics always works in a solution-oriented manner. It has an extensive portfolio of efficient Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

LHZ analytics combines a broad scientific network and many years of experience in the analysis of microplastics.


Competent advice for customers on the analysis of microplastics in various sample types and matrices. Customer-specific demo measurements.

LHZ analytics offers comprehensive expertise from sampling to final detection.

Depending on the exact (research) question, the analysis of microplastics can be highly challenging and individualized.  We will work with you to find a solution to your highly specific problem. Contact us for an individual offer.

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